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Otroško električno poganjalec RIRIBIKE RTX6 24V (16”), zeleno, Litijeva baterija, 250W Motor

Odporúčaný vek: od 5 rokov a viac Maximálna nosnosť: 38 kg Motor: (250 wattov) Rýchlosť: 3 rýchlosti (nízka, 9 km/h / vysoká, 19-24 km/h) Batéria: (24 voltov - 5,2 Ah) lítiová Detské elektrické odrážadlo RIRIBIKE RTX6 24V (16”), zelené, Lítiová batéria, 250W Motor, Kotúčová brzda, Nastaviteľné mäkké PU sedadlo Výkon motoru : 250W Veľkosť 16" RTX je modelové označenie série RIRIBIKE elektrických odrážadiel ktoré fungujú na báze bicykla len bez pedálov čisto na elektrický náhon kontrolovaný cez akcelerátor na volante. Tento typ vozidla ťaží z najnovšieho vývoja, ktorý trh ponúka s Lithiovou batériou. Je naozaj ľahko ovládateľný a veľmi komplexný, ideálne pre vyvinutie a rozvoj jaddných schopností detí vo veku 2 až 6 rokov . Veková kategória 5-7 rokov: Používajte výhradne len v režíme s pomalou elektrickou asistenciou (9 km/h) Veková kategória 7-12 rokov: Môže sa používať v režime s vysokorýchlostnou elektrickou asistenciou (19 km/h) Pre skúsenejších: Maximálna rýchlosť 24 km/h Tento model je vybavený 16-palcovými kolesami s motorom (250 Wattov) a 5,2Ah batériou.RTX je ultraľahký, špeciálne navrhnutý pre deti s hmotnosťou do 38 kg.Pre začiatok sa odporúča vyskúšať odrážadlo bez elektrickej assistencie pre ovládnutie jazdných schopností a vyváženia za volnobeh.Neskôr je možné používať elektrickú asistenciu V režime nízkej rýchlosti (9 km/h) s tým že si dieťa vyložíť nohy na opierky a zároveň volantom koriguje rovnováhu. Ovládanie je jednoduché, stlačí akcelerátor pre zrýchlenie. Po nacvičení základných jazdných zručností a úspešnom udržaní rovnováhy v režime nižšej rýchlosti môže vyskúšať vyššiu rýchlosť pomocou nastavenia vysokej rýchlosti (19-24 km/h).Odrážadlo RTX je vybavené hybridnými pneumatikami vhodnými na použitie aj na ceste aj v teréne. Reťazovom prepojený zadný náhon poskytuje spoľahlivý výkon aj v režime pomalej rýchlosti pre lahké udržanie rovnováhy. Čo sa týka spracovania a materiálov, nebudete sklamaní, RIRIBIKE totiž používa na výrobu kvalitné diely s precíznym vypracovaním spľnajúce všetky potrebne smernice a normy EU. Hliníkový rám a riadidlá umožnujú dostatočnú pevnosť a to pri hmotnosťi len 11 kg vrátane lítiovej batérie, ktorá umožňuje používať bicykel až 1 hodinu 15 minút pri nepretržitom používaní s nabíjaním iba 4-5 hodiny. Sedadlo aj volant sa dajú nastaviť podľa potreby. Upozornenie: Upozorňujeme, že naše modely nie sú homologizované na použitie vo verejných cestných komunikáciách. Špeciálne vlastnosti - Technické špecifikácie / Rozmery produktu BEZPEČNOSŤ Odporúčaný vek: 5 rokov a viac Maximálna nosnisť: 38 kg Používajte s elektrickou asistenciou prípadne bez za voľnobeh Akcelerátor: Spúšťa sa na rukoväti riadidiel MOTORIZÁCIA Motor: (250 wattov) Prevodovka: reťazom prepojený zadný pohon Rýchlosť: 3 rýchlosti (nízka, 9 km/h / vysoká, 19-24 km/h) Maximálna rýchlosť: 24 km/h Výdrž: 1 h 15 min. - Nízka rýchlosť, 40 min. - Vysoká rýchlosť (Výdrž sa môže líšiť v závislosti od záťaže a terénu) Batéria: (24 voltov - 5,2 Ah) lítiová Výdrž batérie: až 1000 nabití Čas nabíjania: 4-5 h Nabíjačka 24V je súčasťou balenia VYBAVENIE Kolesá: zliatinové so zosilnenými špicami Pneumatiky: nafukovacia gumená pneumatika (16 palcov) Zadné kotúčové brzdy Konštrukcia: hliník HMOTNOSŤ A ROZMERY Hmotnosť produktu: 11 kg Veľkosť produktu: 112 cm x 55 cm x 75 cm Hmotnosť krabice: 12 kg Veľkosť krabice: 100 x 21 x 47 cm Výška sedla: Nastaviteľná 42,5 - 52 cm Výška riadidiel: 62 cm Rázvor: 79 cm BEZPEČNOSTNÉ OPATRENIA NA POUŽITIE Nosenie prilby je POVINNÉ. Rodičovský dohľad po celú dobu. Vozidlo musí zostaviť dospelá osoba. Pred montážou si pozorne prečítajte pokyny v návode. Pred prvým použitím sa uistite, že sú všetky skrutky dotiahnuté. Vozidlo sa musí používať pod dohľadom dospelej osoby a na vhodnom mieste. Vyhýbajte sa cestným komunikáciám a nebezpečným objektom. Aby bola zaručená životnosť vozidla, rešpektujte hmotnostný limit. Nenechávajte vozidlo na daždi alebo v zime v mraze.

Otroški električni poganjalec RIRIBIKE RTX3 24V (12”), rdeč, Litijeva baterija, 100W Motor

Odporúčaný vek: od 3 rokov a viac Maximálna nosnosť: 30 kg Motor: (100 wattov) Rýchlosť: 2 rýchlosti (nízka, 7,5 km/h / vysoká, 15 km/h) Batéria: (24 voltov - 2,6 Ah) lítiová Detské elektrické odrážadlo RIRIBIKE RTX3 24V (12”), červené, Lítiová batéria, 100W Motor, Kotúčová brzda, Nastaviteľné mäkké PU sedadlo Výkon motoru : 100W Veľkosť 12"  RTX je modelové označenie série RIRIBIKE elektrických odrážadiel ktoré fungujú na báze bicykla len bez pedálov čisto na elektrický náhon kontrolovaný cez akcelerátor na volante. Tento typ vozidla ťaží z najnovšieho vývoja, ktorý trh ponúka s Lithiovou batériou. Je naozaj ľahko ovládateľný a veľmi komplexný, ideálne pre vyvinutie a rozvoj jaddných schopností detí vo veku 2 až 6 rokov. Veková kategória 3-4 rokov: Používajte výhradne len v režíme s pomalou elektrickou asistenciou (7,5 km/h) Veková kategória 5-6 rokov: Môže sa používať v režime s vysokorýchlostnou elektrickou asistenciou (15 km/h) Tento model je vybavený 12-palcovými kolesami s motorom (100 Wattov) a 2,6Ah batériou.RTX je ultraľahký, špeciálne navrhnutý pre deti s hmotnosťou do 30 kg.Pre začiatok sa odporúča vyskúšať odrážadlo bez elektrickej assistencie pre ovládnutie jazdných schopností a vyváženia za volnobeh.Neskôr je možné používať elektrickú asistenciu V režime nízkej rýchlosti (7,5 km/h) s tým že si dieťa vyložíť nohy na opierky a zároveň volantom koriguje rovnováhu. Ovládanie je jednoduché, stlačí akcelerátor pre zrýchlenie. Po nacvičení základných jazdných zručností a úspešnom udržaní rovnováhy v režime nižšej rýchlosti môže vyskúšať vyššiu rýchlosť pomocou nastavenia vysokej rýchlosti (15 km/h).Odrážadlo RTX je vybavené hybridnými pneumatikami vhodnými na použitie aj na ceste aj v teréne. Reťazovom prepojený zadný náhon poskytuje spoľahlivý výkon aj v režime pomalej rýchlosti pre lahké udržanie rovnováhy. Čo sa týka spracovania a materiálov, nebudete sklamaní, RIRIBIKE totiž používa na výrobu kvalitné diely s precíznym vypracovaním spľnajúce všetky potrebne smernice a normy EU. Hliníkový rám a riadidlá umožnujú dostatočnú pevnosť a to pri hmotnosťi len 9.5 kg vrátane lítiovej batérie, ktorá umožňuje používať bicykel až 1 hodinu 15 minút pri nepretržitom používaní s nabíjaním iba 3-4 hodiny. Sedadlo aj volant sa dajú nastaviť podľa potreby. Upozornenie: Upozorňujeme, že naše modely nie sú homologizované na použitie vo verejných cestných komunikáciách. Špeciálne vlastnosti - Technické špecifikácie / Rozmery produktu BEZPEČNOSŤ Odporúčaný vek: 2 rokov a viac Maximálna nosnisť: 30 kg Používajte s elektrickou asistenciou prípadne bez za voľnobeh Akcelerátor: Spúšťa sa na rukoväti riadidiel MOTORIZÁCIA Motor: (100 wattov) Prevodovka: reťazom prepojený zadný pohon Rýchlosť: 2 rýchlosti (nízka, 7,5 km/h / vysoká, 15 km/h) Maximálna rýchlosť: 15 km/h Výdrž: 1 h 15 min. - Nízka rýchlosť, 40 min. - Vysoká rýchlosť (Výdrž sa môže líšiť v závislosti od záťaže a terénu) Batéria: (24 voltov - 2,6 Ah) lítiová Výdrž batérie: až 1000 nabití Čas nabíjania: 3-4 h Nabíjačka 24V je súčasťou balenia VYBAVENIE Kolesá: zliatinové so zosilnenými špicami Pneumatiky: nafukovacia gumená pneumatika (12 palcov) Zadné kotúčové brzdy Konštrukcia: hliník HMOTNOSŤ A ROZMERY Hmotnosť produktu: 9,5 kg Veľkosť produktu: 95 cm x 50 cm x 60 cm Hmotnosť krabice: 10 kg Veľkosť krabice: 82 cm x 21 cm x 42 cm Výška sedla: Nastaviteľná 35 - 43 cm Výška riadidiel: 53 cm Rázvor kolies: 69 cm BEZPEČNOSTNÉ OPATRENIA NA POUŽITIE Nosenie prilby je POVINNÉ. Rodičovský dohľad po celú dobu. Vozidlo musí zostaviť dospelá osoba. Pred montážou si pozorne prečítajte pokyny v návode. Pred prvým použitím sa uistite, že sú všetky skrutky dotiahnuté. Vozidlo sa musí používať pod dohľadom dospelej osoby a na vhodnom mieste. Vyhýbajte sa cestným komunikáciám a nebezpečným objektom. Aby bola zaručená životnosť vozidla, rešpektujte hmotnostný limit. Nenechávajte vozidlo na daždi alebo v zime v mraze.

KINDERKRAFT Poganjalec Xploit Bubblegum pink

This is a children's bicycle that will accompany you on walks in all conditions. Thanks to the durable nylon frame, this children's bicycle is not only lightweight but also resistant to corrosion and impacts. XPLOIT has a sporty style and is suitable for children from a height of 80 cm (from 2 years old), it has adjustable handlebars and a seat, allowing you to easily adapt this children's bicycle to your child's height and skills. Its great advantage is the large puncture-resistant PU wheels, which are shock-absorbing and have good grip on the surface, making them suitable for both asphalt city roads and forest paths. They have sporty 9ABEC bearings, which provide a smoother ride for the children's bicycle, making it easier to learn to ride. The XPLOIT children's balance bike teaches and entertains at the same time: your child will find it easier to gain the ability to maintain balance and stability, and it will also prepare them for learning to pedal. Durable children's bicycle for all conditions / walk in any conditions The XPLOIT children's balance bike can withstand any conditions during a walk. It is made of lightweight durable nylon: the one-piece frame is resistant to corrosion and impact while having a smooth finish, making it safe and comfortable for children. The children's bicycle itself is lightweight (the frame weighs less than 1 kg) and has a sporty style, making it perfect for any little athlete. Child-friendly XPLOIT is a children's bicycle that can be easily adjusted to your child's height and skills. It can be used by children from 2 years old. The frame is low, making it easier for children from a height of 80 cm to get on and off the bicycle. Rotating, adjustable handlebars (53.6-55.6 cm) and seat (33.3-38.1 cm) ensure perfect adaptation of the children's bicycle to the growing child. The non-slip handle grips and soft seat make learning to ride more enjoyable and increase safety. Walk in any conditions The XPLOIT children's balance bike has large (12-inch), maintenance-free puncture-resistant PU wheels, making them very durable and resistant to damage, providing high grip on the surface and good shock absorption. Thanks to them, the children's bicycle is suitable for any surface: it is excellent for asphalt as well as compacted forest paths. And if your child wants to ride indoors, you can be at ease because the PU wheels won't scratch the floor. Additionally, they are equipped with sporty 9ABEC bearings, which provide a smoother ride and make riding much more enjoyable. The bearings are also located in the handlebars, making it easier to learn to control the bicycle. Magnetically lockable footrests They are easy to use and very practical: your child can maintain stability while riding, which is significant for reducing falls and increasing confidence. Moreover, they positively impact comfort while learning to ride, allowing the child to focus on gaining balance while steering the bicycle. Teaches and entertains The XPLOIT children's balance bike teaches through play. It develops balance and teaches how to maintain stability using their body. It is also an excellent introduction to learning to ride a pedal bicycle. Children's balance bikes also teach children independence and positively influence the building of confidence while riding. Sporty design XPLOIT is a sporty children's bicycle made in this style. It has beautiful colors that every little athlete will love. It will definitely stand out during play in the yard, and your child will feel like they are on a real racing vehicle. Technical specifications: Frame: nylon Wheels: PU Handles: TPR rubber Seat: PU+PP Dimensions: Wheels: 12 inches Handlebar adjustment range: 53.6-55.6 cm Seat adjustment range: 33.3-38.1 cm Weight: 3.3 kg Max. load capacity: 35 kg

KINDERKRAFT Poganjalec Xploit Moonstone silver

This is a children's bicycle that will accompany you on walks in all conditions. Thanks to the durable nylon frame, this children's bicycle is not only lightweight but also resistant to corrosion and impacts. XPLOIT has a sporty style and is suitable for children from a height of 80 cm (from 2 years old), it has adjustable handlebars and a seat, making it easy to adapt this children's bicycle to your child's height and skills. Its great advantage is the large puncture-resistant PU wheels, which are shock-absorbing and have good grip on the surface, making them suitable for both asphalt city roads and forest paths. They have sporty 9ABEC bearings, which provide a smoother ride for the children's bicycle, making learning to ride easier. The XPLOIT children's balance bike teaches and entertains at the same time: your child will find it easier to gain balance and stability and will also prepare them for learning to pedal. Durable children's bicycle for all conditions / walk in any conditions The XPLOIT children's balance bike can withstand any conditions during a walk. It is made of lightweight durable nylon: the one-piece frame is resistant to corrosion and impact and has a smooth finish, making it safe and comfortable for children. The children's bicycle itself is lightweight (the frame weighs less than 1 kg) and has a sporty style, making it perfect for any little athlete. Customized for the child XPLOIT is a children's bicycle that can be easily adjusted to your child's height and skills. It can be used by children from 2 years old. The frame is low, making it easier for children from a height of 80 cm to get on and off the bicycle. Rotating, adjustable handlebars (53.6-55.6 cm) and seat (33.3-38.1 cm) ensure perfect adaptation of the children's bicycle to the growing child. The non-slip handle grips and soft seat make learning to ride more enjoyable and increase safety. Walk in any conditions The XPLOIT children's balance bike has large (12-inch), maintenance-free puncture-resistant PU wheels, making them very durable and resistant to damage, providing high grip on the surface and good shock absorption. Thanks to them, the children's bicycle is suitable for any surface: it is excellent for asphalt as well as compacted forest paths. And if your child wants to ride indoors, you can be at ease because the PU wheels won't scratch the floor. Additionally, they are equipped with sporty 9ABEC bearings, which provide a smoother ride and make riding much more enjoyable. The bearings are also located in the handlebars, making it easier to learn to control the bicycle. Magnetically lockable footrests They are easy to use and very practical: your child will find it easier to maintain stability while riding, which is significant for reducing falls and increasing confidence. Moreover, they positively impact comfort while learning to ride, allowing the child to focus on gaining balance while steering the bicycle. Teaches and entertains at the same time The XPLOIT children's balance bike teaches through play. It develops balance and teaches how to maintain stability using their body. It is also an excellent introduction to learning to ride a pedal bicycle. Children's balance bikes also teach children independence and positively influence building confidence while riding. Sporty design XPLOIT is a sporty children's bicycle made in this style. It has beautiful colors that every little athlete will love. It will definitely stand out during play in the yard, and your child will feel like they are on a real racing vehicle. Technical specifications: Frame: nylon Wheels: PU Handles: TPR rubber Seat: PU+PP Dimensions: Wheels: 12 inches Handlebar adjustment range: 53.6-55.6 cm Seat adjustment range: 33.3-38.1 cm Weight: 3.3 kg Max. load capacity: 35 kg

KIinderkraft Odrážadlo Xploit Turquoise

This is a children's bicycle that will accompany you on walks in all conditions. Thanks to the durable nylon frame, this children's bicycle is not only lightweight but also resistant to corrosion and impacts. XPLOIT has a sporty style and is suitable for children from a height of 80 cm (from 2 years old), it has adjustable handlebars and a seat, allowing you to easily adapt this children's bicycle to your child's height and skills. Its great advantage is the large puncture-resistant PU wheels, which are shock-absorbing and have good grip on the surface, making them suitable for both asphalt city roads and forest paths. They have 9ABEC sports bearings, which provide a smoother ride, making it easier to learn to ride. The XPLOIT children's balance bike teaches and entertains at the same time: your child will find it easier to gain the ability to maintain balance and stability and will also prepare them for learning to pedal. Durable children's bicycle for all conditions / walk in any conditions The XPLOIT children's balance bike can withstand any conditions during a walk. It is made of lightweight durable nylon: the one-piece frame is resistant to corrosion and impact and has a smooth finish, making it safe and comfortable for children. The children's bicycle itself is lightweight (the frame weighs less than 1 kg) and has a sporty style, making it perfect for any little athlete. Customized for the child XPLOIT is a children's bicycle that can be easily adjusted to your child's height and skills. It can be used by children from 2 years old. The frame is low, making it easier for children from a height of 80 cm to mount and dismount the bicycle. Rotatable, adjustable handlebars (53.6-55.6 cm) and seat (33.3-38.1 cm) ensure perfect adaptation of the children's bicycle to the growing child. The non-slip handlebar grips and soft seat make learning to ride more enjoyable and increase safety. Walk in any conditions The XPLOIT children's balance bike has large (12-inch), maintenance-free puncture-resistant PU wheels, making them very durable and resistant to damage, providing high grip on the surface and good shock absorption. Thanks to them, the children's bicycle is suitable for any surface: it is excellent for asphalt as well as compacted forest paths. And if your child wants to ride indoors, you can be at ease because the PU wheels won't scratch the floor. Additionally, they are equipped with 9ABEC sports bearings, which provide a smoother ride and make riding much more enjoyable. The bearings are also located in the handlebars, making it easier to learn to control the bicycle. Magnetically lockable footrests They are easy to use and very practical: your child can maintain stability while riding, which is significant in reducing falls and increasing confidence. Moreover, they positively impact comfort while learning to ride, allowing the child to focus on gaining balance while steering the bicycle. Teaches and entertains at the same time The XPLOIT children's balance bike teaches through play. It develops balance and teaches how to maintain stability using their body. It is also an excellent introduction to learning to ride a pedal bicycle. Children's balance bikes also teach children independence and positively influence the development of self-confidence while riding. Sporty design XPLOIT is a sporty children's bicycle made in this style. It has beautiful colors that every little athlete will love. It will certainly stand out during play in the yard, and your child will feel like they are on a real racing vehicle. Technical specifications: Frame: nylon Wheels: PU Grips: TPR rubber Seat: PU+PP Dimensions: Wheels: 12 inches Handlebar adjustment range: 53.6-55.6 cm Seat adjustment range: 33.3-38.1 cm Weight: 3.3 kg Max. load capacity: 35 kg

INJUSA 1908 Otroško poganjalec NEOX DISNEY PRINCESS

Injusa is a renowned prestigious Spanish brand, operating in the market since 1947. It is characterized by high quality and detailed design processing, including the production of licensed models (Porsche, BMW, Mercedes, Honda, KTM, etc.). Toy production takes place directly in Spain in 100% compliance with sustainable development. It produces 850,000 toys annually, which are supplied to more than 120 countries. Its offer includes battery electric vehicles, evolutionary tricycles, tricycles, cross wheels, pedal vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, and garden toys. The children's ride-on NEOX DISNEY PRINCESS belongs to the licensed series DISNEY PRINCESS, which is intended for children from 10 months old. You will find ride-ons, electric tricycles and quad bikes, pedal go-karts, and even garden toys. It is a very stable ride-on for little girls, in an attractive licensed design. The ride-on is equipped with a practical handle for easy carrying, located behind the handlebars. Accessories and equipment:• License: Disney Princess• Large, wide wheels for excellent stability and safety• Ergonomically shaped seat• Swivel front wheel• Handle for easy carrying at the top behind the handlebars• Durable and waterproof decoration (IML system)• Seat height from the ground: 33 cm• Handlebar height from the ground: 49 cm• Wheel material: plastic• Wheel diameter: 23 cm• Load capacity: up to 30 kg• Product weight: 2.6 kg• Product dimensions: 69 x 27.5 x 49 cm• Recommended age: from 18 months• Made in Spain• Meets European safety regulations EN71   Additional information:• Beautiful Spanish design• Precise processing• Very easy handling during play• Material: metal, plastic

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