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INVITAL Clarol 250ml - čistilo za stekla akvarije in terarije
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Filtrirano 72 izdelkov

INVITAL Clarol 250ml - čistilo za stekla akvarije in terarije

INVITAL Clarol je čistilno sredstvo za čiščenje stekel akvarijev. Zlahka odstrani kalcijeve obloge na steklu - raztaplja tudi močne in trdovratne usedline. Zaradi svoje sestave je mogoče sredstvo uporabiti tudi za čiščenje akvarijske tehnike – idealno za čiščenje akvarijskih osvetlitev. Popolnoma neškodljivo za ribe in rastline. Lastnosti in prednosti Neizkušeni akvaristi pogosto uporabljajo nevarna domača čistila, ki si sicer dobro poradijo s kalcijevimi oblogami, a so zelo strupena za prebivalce akvarija. Tudi sama meglica iz razpršilnika takšnih čistil ne bi smela priti v vodo v akvariju. INVITAL Clarol ponuja ne le netoksično sestavo, temveč tudi druge uporabne lastnosti: Učinkovito čistilno sredstvo s praktičnim razpršilnikomm Enostavno čiščenje - preprosto razpršite na steklo in obrišite s suho krpo Možno uporabiti za čiščenje akvarija in onesnažene akvarijske tehnike Raztaplja tudi najtrdovratnejše ostanke kalcijevih oblog Popolnoma varen za vse živali in rastline Nasvet za popolnoma čisto akvarij: Pri čiščenju akvarija priporočamo uporabo INVITAL Clarol v kombinaciji z našo čistilno gobo - ta zaradi svojih dveh čistilnih površin lahko odstrani tudi najtrdovratnejše usedline zunaj in znotraj akvarija. Uporaba Razpršite sredstvo neposredno na steklo ali na krpo, po čiščenju površine obrišite do suhega. V primeru večjih onesnaženj postopek ponovite. Volumen: 250 ml

INVITAL NutriBOT avtomatski razpršilnik gnojila

INVITAL NutriBOT  is an automatic fertilizer dispenser that will surely save you precious time and make the operation of your aquarium easier. With this dispenser, you can add any liquid products to your aquarium, whether they are fertilizers, liquid carbon, filter bacteria, or other additives. The dosing can be set for a specific time and amount, or you can combine it with a lighting controller. Usage:INVITAL NutriBOT works on a simple principle, after plugging the device into the electrical outlet (electricity = socket), the device will start at the time set on the device's display. unplug the device from the electrical outlet, wait a few seconds, and plug it back into the electrical outlet. How can I set the volume of the dispensed liquid?Place the device under the aquarium, usually in the aquarium cabinet. Two tubes lead from the device, one marked IN and the other OUT, place them in the container/tank with the liquid you want to dose into the aquarium. At the first start, set the time on the display using the rotary knob to a higher value so that the device runs for a longer time and the pump pushes the liquid to the end of the OUT hose into the measuring cup, and set the value of 5 on the display (the number represents the number of seconds). The pump will run for 5 seconds, and after it finishes, you will see how many ML of liquid the pump has pumped into the measuring cup.How do I set when the device should start?For this purpose, use a timer socket, which is not included in the package. Plug the power supply into the timer socket and set on the socket when the device should start and on which days of the week the device should start. Do you need a more precise dose of liquid or a non-standard small amount?The pump has its limits and cannot dose in tenths of milliliters, but you can easily solve this situation by pouring the aquarium liquid you want to dose into a larger bottle and mixing it with distilled water, which contains no minerals, so it only dilutes your liquid (does not degrade), probably fertilizer, and you can dose a larger amount. Example: you need to dose 0.5 ml of fertilizer, but this amount is too small for the pump. less concentrated, and instead of 0.5 ml, you can dose 2 ml. Another option, if your situation allows, is not to give fertilizer every day, but only twice a week, then you can double the dose. Feeding:Plug the power supply (adapter) into the electrical outlet and the other end into the connector on the device marked "24 V (IN)". If you have more than one INVITAL NutriBOT device, just plug the first device into the power supply and connect the others using a connecting cable (not included in the package) – this connection has the advantage of saving money on another power supply and additional timer in the socket.

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V povprečju vam bomo blago lahko dostavili v 72 urah
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Za vas imamo na zalogi več kot 200.000 izdelkov
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