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NENO Silikonski vložek za črpalke Neno L 27mm

The silicone insert Neno does not contain BPA and is suitable for every mother regardless of the type of delivery. Neno offers 3 sizes of breast pads for Neno breast pumps – small (21 mm), medium (24 mm), and large (27 mm). The breast pad has a funnel shape made of soft Japanese silicone, which you attach to your breasts to stabilize the breast pump and allows you to express breast milk into bottles. The suction created by the pump draws in the nipple and stimulates it, just like a baby does during breastfeeding.Choosing the wrong size can cause not only discomfort or inaccurate pumping but even a halt in lactation. Therefore, the correct choice of the insert size for the pump is so important. Every breast is different- Just as we buy clothes in different sizes, so should it be with breast pads for pumps. Every breast is different, and thus every nipple is different.- A baby can press the nipple against the palate to sufficiently stimulate the milk flow, but the breast shield cannot. The suction generated by the pump does not rub the nipple, does not pull along any part of the areola, and does not cause discomfort when expressing milk. How to measure the nipple?- It is best to measure the nipple after the 32nd week of pregnancy. After this period, the breast, or rather the nipple, does not undergo such dynamic changes as in the earlier stages of pregnancy. After the 32nd week of pregnancy, it is very likely that the size of the nipple will be revealed after delivery.- First of all, you need to remember what to measure. The protrusion is the part that sticks out from the nipple. Around the nipple is the areola. We measure ONLY the diameter of the protrusion itself – you can measure it with a ruler, tape measure, or caliper. Check what diameter of the breast shield will be right for you. How to choose the size of the breast pad- Every breast is different, so choose the appropriate Neno breast pad. The correctly chosen breast pad is crucial for good milk flow and the mother's comfort while expressing. Neno offers three sizes of funnels:– S  21mm – nipple diameter 17/18 mm– M 24mm – nipple diameter 19/20/21 mm– L  27mm – nipple diameter 22/23/24 mm - Neno breast protectors prevent nipple injuries.- They are suitable for all models of Neno breast pumps: Camino, Bianco, Bueno, Mare, Due, Bella, Bella Twin, Uno, Angelo, Primo, Perfetto.- They do not contain BPA – safe for the health of mother and child. - The most commonly chosen breast pad size is 24, which fits nipples 19/20/21 mm.

NENO Silikonski vložek za črpalke Neno M 24mm

The silicone insert Neno does not contain BPA and is suitable for every mother regardless of the type of delivery. Neno offers 3 sizes of breast pads for Neno breast pumps – small (21 mm), medium (24 mm), and large (27 mm). The breast pad has a funnel shape made of soft Japanese silicone that you attach to your breasts to stabilize the breast pump and allows you to express breast milk into bottles. The suction created by the pump draws in the nipple and stimulates it, just like a baby does during breastfeeding.Choosing the wrong size can cause not only discomfort or inaccurate pumping but even a halt in lactation. Therefore, the correct choice of the insert size for the pump is so important. Every breast is different- Just as we buy clothes in different sizes, so should it be with breast pads for pumps. Every breast is different, and thus every nipple is different.- A baby can press the nipple against the palate to sufficiently stimulate the milk flow, but a breast shield cannot. The suction generated by the pump does not rub the nipple, does not pull along any part of the areola, and does not cause discomfort while expressing milk. How to measure the nipple?- It is best to measure the nipple after the 32nd week of pregnancy. After this period, the breast, or rather the nipple, does not undergo such dynamic changes as in the earlier stages of pregnancy. After the 32nd week of pregnancy, it is very likely that the size of the nipple will be revealed after delivery.- First of all, you need to remember what to measure. The protrusion is the part that sticks out from the nipple. Around the nipple is the areola. We measure ONLY the diameter of the protrusion itself – you can measure it with a ruler, tape measure, or caliper. Check what diameter of the breast shield will be right for you. How to choose the size of the breast pad- Every breast is different, so choose the appropriate Neno breast pad. The correctly chosen breast pad is crucial for good milk flow and the mother's comfort while expressing. Neno offers three sizes of funnels:– S  21mm – nipple diameter 17/18 mm– M 24mm – nipple diameter 19/20/21 mm– L  27mm – nipple diameter 22/23/24 mm - Neno breast protectors prevent nipple injuries.- They are suitable for all models of Neno breast pumps: Camino, Bianco, Bueno, Mare, Due, Bella, Bella Twin, Uno, Angelo, Primo, Perfetto.- They do not contain BPA – safe for the health of mother and child. - The most commonly chosen breast pad size is 24, which fits nipples 19/20/21 mm.

NENO Silikonski vložek za črpalke Neno S 21mm

The silicone insert Neno does not contain BPA and is suitable for every mother regardless of the type of delivery. Neno offers 3 sizes of breast pads for Neno breast pumps – thin (21 mm), medium (24 mm), and large (27 mm). The breast pad has a funnel shape made of soft Japanese silicone, which you attach to your breasts to stabilize the breast pump and allows you to express breast milk into bottles. The suction created by the pump draws in the nipple and stimulates it, just like a baby does during breastfeeding.Choosing the wrong size can cause not only discomfort or inaccurate pumping but even cessation of lactation. Therefore, the correct choice of the size of the insert for the pump is so important. Every breast is different- Just as we buy clothes in different sizes, so should it be with breast pads for pumps. Every breast is different, and thus every nipple is different.- A baby can press the nipple against the palate to sufficiently stimulate the flow of milk, but the breast shield cannot. The suction generated by the pump does not rub the nipple, does not pull along any part of the areola, and does not cause discomfort when expressing milk. How to measure the nipple?- It is best to measure the nipple after the 32nd week of pregnancy. After this period, the breast, or rather the nipple, does not undergo such dynamic changes as in the earlier stages of pregnancy. After the 32nd week of pregnancy, it is very likely that the size of the nipple will show what size it will take after delivery.- First of all, you need to remember what to measure. The protrusion is the part that sticks out from the nipple. Around the nipple is the areola. We measure ONLY the diameter of the protrusion itself – you can measure it with a ruler, tape measure, or caliper. Check what diameter of the breast shield will be right for you. How to choose the size of the breast pad- Every breast is different, so choose the appropriate Neno breast pad. The correctly chosen breast pad is crucial for good milk flow and the mother's comfort while expressing. Neno offers three sizes of funnels:– S  21mm – nipple diameter 17/18 mm– M 24mm – nipple diameter 19/20/21 mm– L  27mm – nipple diameter 22/23/24 mm - Neno breast protectors prevent nipple injuries.- They are suitable for all models of Neno breast pumps: Camino, Bianco, Bueno, Mare, Due, Bella, Bella Twin, Uno, Angelo, Primo, Perfetto.- They do not contain BPA – safe for the health of mother and child. - The most commonly chosen breast pad size is 24, which fits nipples 19/20/21 mm.

NENO Sterilizator in grelnik multifunkcijski Luna 6v1

Neno Luna is a heater, sterilizer, and defroster 6in1.Neno Luna is a multifunctional device that will come in handy in every parent's kitchen. Thanks to heating, sterilization, defrosting, and maintaining the temperature of milk or food at the selected temperature, it helps save a lot of time - and time is the most precious thing when a baby comes into the world. The device includes up to 6 functions: heating, defrosting breast milk, sterilization, quick heating, food heating, and maintaining temperature. Features:1. Heats food up to a temperature of 60 °C. The protective cover ensures quick and even heating. It is convenient and saves time. 2. Defrosts food gradually and evenly, preserving its valuable nutrients. 3. Maintains a constant selected temperature for 24 hours 4. Quickly heats food using a turbo regulator 5+6. You can heat and sterilize not only milk bottles but also jars of baby food. The diameter of the sieve is approximately 8 cm, so you can place various sizes of milk bottles and spare parts of the milk pump here. - The control is quite intuitive and simple thanks to the smart LCD panel with touch function buttons. - The display features a button for setting modes, working time, and temperature. Thanks to the clear 2.2” display, the device is easy to use even at night. - It consists of only 3 elements. It is minimalist and compact, which makes it easier to use and keep clean.-  It represents elegant and aesthetic minimalism. - with Neno Luna you can keep bottles, pacifiers, and spare parts of the milk pump hygienic and sterile in 10 minutes. - It is a must-have if you care about proper hygiene and protection against microorganisms, viruses, and bacteria. The device meets the needs of conscious mothers who care about safety, hygiene, and sterility. - Power: AC 220–240 V 400 W- Dimensions: 12.6×13×30.5 cm- Cable length: 100 cm- Quick heating mode: YES- Defrosting mode: YES- Milk heating mode: YES- Food heating mode: YES- Temperature maintenance mode: YES- Sterilization mode: YES

NENO Dvojna električna dvostopenjska prsna črpalka Bella Twin

Bezdrôtová dvojitá odsávačka Neno Bella-Twin vám pomôže rýchlo, bezbolestne a pohodlne odsať materské mlieko. Dvojitá verzia poskytuje rýchle odsávanie mlieka z oboch prsníkov súčasne. Ideálna na použitie kdekoľvek a kedykoľvek potrebujete – v práci, na cestách alebo dovolenke. Dojčenská fľaša je súčasťou balenia, čo umožňuje používať odsávačku prakticky hneď po vybalení zo škatule. Vlastnosti  Vložka je z mäkkého silikónu, ktorý nedráždi pokožku  Silikónová vložka je ergonomická a s elegantným vzorom  Univerzálna pre všetky typy a veľkosti prsníkov  Rýchle a jednoduché nabíjanie vďaka jednoducho čitateľnému displeju  Jednoduchá sterilizácia  Unikátny atraktívny dizajn  2 fázy odsávania  Dá sa použiť ako dvojitá aj samostatná odsávačka  Neobsahuje BPA Technické vlastnosti  Rozmery: 8 x 22 x 27,5 cm  Typ batérie a kapacita: 3,7V 1400 mAh Li-Ion  Nabíjací port: USB typ-C  Počet fáz: 2-fázová odsávačka mlieka  Pracovné režimy: 6 úrovní stimulácie, 9 úrovní odsávania mlieka  Doba nabíjania: 2 hodiny  Automatické vypnutie: po 30 min  Sací výkon v režime hlbokého odsávania: 21,2–44,9 kPa  Sací výkon v režime stimulácie: 16,5–41 kPa  Obsah balenia: odsávačka, 2× fľaša na mlieko, 2× PVC hadička, 2× stojan na fľašu, 4×ventil, 2× prsný štít 24 mm, 2× kryt prsného chrániča, kábel USB typu C, vrecká na mlieko, návod na použitie   Hmotnosť: 733 g

NENO Enkratne previjalne podloge 60x90 cm, 10 kos

Neno Neo so kakovostne mehke in velike enkratne blazinice. Vsaka od njih je izdelana s posebno tehnologijo proti vonju in ima 5 plasti, tako da hitro absorbira vonje, izločke, tekočine in ne prepušča. Blazinice so idealne za uporabo pri vsakodnevnih opravilih, kot je na primer menjava plenic. Ginekološke post-natalne blazinice- Prvi dnevi po porodu so za ženske posebno obdobje počitka in regeneracije. Sveže matere v tem obdobju doživljajo močno krvavitev. V tem primeru so zelo koristne enkratne blazinice Neno Neo, ki ščitijo posteljo in perilo pred madeži ter odpravljajo neprijeten vonj. Velika absorpcijska površina- Higiena, higiena in še več higiene. Velike in vpojne enkratne blazinice Neno Neo vam pomagajo redno vzdrževati  pravilne pogoje med porodom, pri previjanju dojenčka ali med potovanjem. Glede na udobje uporabnika so blazinice zasnovane tako, da so izjemno vpojne. - Vsak kos zahvaljujoč svoji 5-slojni strukturi takoj absorbira vlago in predvsem ne prepušča. Pri uporabi Neno Neo se ne morate bati pomanjkanja higiene in svežine. Slovo od plenic- V življenju vsakega otroka pride čas, ko se mora posloviti od plenic. Začetki so lahko težki in vključujejo tako nekontrolirano uriniranje čez dan kot nočno mokrenje. Nepogrešljiva podpora v tej fazi so enkratne blazinice Neno Neo, ki zahvaljujoč vodoodporni plasti in tehnologiji proti vonju takoj absorbirajo vlago in neprijetne vonje. 5 ultra-vpojnih plasti- Mehka zgornja plast, ki ne draži kože.- Vpojena zgornja plast.- Blazinica takoj absorbira tekočine, vlago in neprijetne vonje.- Močna absorpcijska plast.- Vodoodporna plast ščiti pred prepuščanjem. Lastnosti- Dimenzija blazinice: 60 x 90 cm- Število kosov v pakiranju: 10 kosov

NENO Sterilizator in grelnik multifunkcijski Lindo 6v1

Pozabite na velike in težke aparate. Neno Lindo je kompakten, funkcionalen aparat 6 v 1 in stilna, minimalistična kuhinjska naprava. Njegova vsestranskost se popolnoma prilega dinamičnemu življenjskemu slogu vsake družine. Lindo ima do 6 delovnih načinov, vključno z učinkovito sterilizacijo steklenic, grizalnikov in dude ter funkcijo MILK s temperaturo 40 °C, ki je idealna za segrevanje mleka. Načutni zaslon z dostopom do vseh programov in vgrajena LED osvetlitev omogočata hitro in enostavno uporabo dvajset štiri ur na dan, glede na potrebe staršev in otroka. Škodljivi mikroorganizmi predstavljajo veliko grožnjo za zdravje razvijajočega se otroka. Sterilizator Neno Lindo zagotavlja učinkovito sterilizacijo v načinih: za plastične, silikonske in steklene izdelke. Čas sterilizacije prilagojen določenemu predmetu vam omogoča ohranjanje čistoče, varnosti in higiene na najvišji ravni. Lastnosti:- 1. Segrevanje - le trenutek nepazljivosti in vaša segreta hrana je hladna in brez okusa. Rešitev te neprijetnosti je funkcija FORMULA, s katero Neno Lindo lahko vzdržuje temperaturo v razponu od 40 °C do 65 °C. - 2. Vzdrževanje temperature  - mnoge ure čakanja, vodna kopel... Kako odmrzniti mleko, da bo primerno za uživanje? S  Neno Lindo to hitro in varno obvladate. Naprava poskrbi ne le za pravilno temperaturo in čas, ampak tudi zagotavlja, da živila ne izgubijo svojih dragocenih lastnosti. Poleg tega po 30 minutah aktivira funkcijo vzdrževanja konstantne temperature (40 °C).3. Postopoma in enakomerno odmrzuje hrano, pri čemer ohranja njene dragocene hranilne snovi. 4. Hitro segreva hrano s turbo-regulatorjem 5+6. Lahko segrevate in sterilizirate ne le steklenice z mlekom, temveč tudi kozarce s hrano za dojenčke. Premer sita je približno 8 cm, tako da lahko vanj postavite različne velikosti steklenic za mleko in rezervne dele za črpalko mleka. - Osvetljen zaslon omogoča takojšnje izbire možnosti in izvajanje dejanj.- Nežna točkovna svetloba ne blešči in olajša uporabo v temi. Svetloba ostane aktivna do 30 sekund po izklopu, kar vam omogoča, da varno zapustite prostor ali odložite pripomočke, ki ste jih prej uporabili.- Edinstvena ovalna oblika in glavni panel s srebrno površinsko obdelavo zagotovo ločita Neno Lindo od tradicionalnih izdelkov v kategoriji gospodinjskih aparatov.- Ne zavzame veliko prostora na kuhinjski pultu in se enostavno prilega na dno globoke predalke. To vse zahvaljujoč svoji vitkosti, kompaktni velikosti in enostavno razstavljivim komponentam.- Moč: AC 220–240 V 400 W- Dimenzije: 12,6×13×30,5 cm- Dolžina kabla: 100 cm- Način hitrega segrevanja: DA- Način odmrzovanja: DA- Način segrevanja mleka: DA- Način segrevanja hrane: DA- Način vzdrževanja temperature: DA- Način sterilizacije: DA

NENO Video varuška digitalna Vera

Neno Vera je brezžična video varuška, ki je sestavljena iz kamere, torej otroške enote in sprejemnika = starševske enote. Kamero je dovolj, da postavite v prostor, ki ga želite nadzorovati, sprejemnik – ki deluje v operativnem dosegu naprave, pa lahko imate vedno pri sebi. Neno Vera vam omogoča opazovanje vašega otroka do 50 metrov znotraj in do 260 metrov zunaj. Zaradi 3,2-palčnega zaslona vam nič ne uide iz pozornosti. Starševska enota ima vgrajeno polnilno baterijo, ki omogoča več ur delovanja po polnjenju. Pri otroški enoti je potrebno električno priključitev. Dvosmerna komunikacija Elektronska varuška je opremljena z dvosmernim komunikacijskim sistemom, tako da ne le slišite zvoke iz otroške sobe, temveč se lahko tudi pogovarjate s svojim otrokom. Velik zaslon - Starševska enota ima lahko berljiv 3,2-palčni zaslon. Enostavna uporaba - Nadzorna plošča varuške je zelo intuitivna, tako da je upravljanje naprave enostavno in prijetno. Neprekinjen nadzor Vgrajena polnilna baterija omogoča več ur neprekinjenega delovanja, tako da lahko napravo uporabljate dolgo časa brez potrebe po priključitvi dodatnega vira napajanja. Nočni način - Zaradi uporabe modernih IR diod omogoča spremljanje vašega dojenčka tudi v temi. Doseg - Doseg video signala varuške je do 50 metrov v notranjosti in do 260 metrov na prostem. Senzor temperature - Ima vgrajen temperaturni senzor, s katerim lahko enostavno uravnate temperaturo v sobici vašega dojenčka. Uspavanke - Omogoča predvajanje 8 vgrajenih melodij, ki pomagajo pri uspavanju. Prenosna - Vgrajena polnilna baterija omogoča več ur neprekinjenega dela, napravo lahko uporabljate dolgo časa brez potrebe po priključitvi dodatnega napajanja. Lastnosti - Teža 0,5 kg - Zaslon: 3,2 palca - Vir: DC 5V 1A - Obseg signala: do 260 m (zunaj), do 50 m (znotraj) - Opazovalni kot kamere: 75° - Ločljivost monitorja: 320 × 240 px - Vgrajena baterija (starševska enota): Li-Po 1150 mAh - Obseg frekvence: 2400~2483,5 MHz, 17 dBm - Nočni način: 6 IR LED diod - Temperatura: -10 do 50 °C - Dimenzije: starševska enota 124×72×17 mm, otroška enota 62×115×62 mm - Teža: starševska enota 110 g, otroška enota 81 g

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