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Canpol babies Steklenička za dojenčke s širokim vratom antikolik S-Shape 310ml

Špeciálna antikoliková fľaša Canpol babies S-Shape bola navrhnutá tak, aby účinne pomáhala rodičom pri počiatočnom kŕmení z fľaše a znížení rizika vzniku koliky. Fľaša S-Shape navrhnutá spoločnosťou Difrax má jedinečný tvar a špeciálny antikolikový mechanizmus. Tento tvar fľaše zaisťuje, že cumlík je plný mlieka v akejkoľvek polohe bábätka aj pod miernym uhlom (20 stupňov). Podporuje rotačné kŕmenie, kedy rodič používa rôzne polohy počas dňa. Správna poloha pri kŕmení z fľaše je jedným z kľúčových faktorov pre zníženie výskytu koliky. Antikolikový ventil a otvory na dne fľaštičky umožňujú unikaniu vzduchu z vnútra fľaše, zaisťujú stály tok mlieka a umožňujú bábätku nepretržite piť bez prehĺtania vzduchu. Kombinácia týchto dvoch vlastností vytvára vysoko účinný antikolikový systém kŕmenia z fľaše - účinne odstraňuje vzduch z fľaše a cumlíka a znižuje tak riziko vzniku koliky, kŕčov a iných brušných diskomfortov. Ergonomický tvar fľaše je pohodlný nielen pre bábätko, ale aj pre rodičov. Pri kŕmení z fľaše v tvare S zaujíma rodič správnu polohu a dieťa nemusí nadmerne zakláňať hlavičku, čo je veľmi dôležité vo fáze samostatného kŕmenia z fľaše. Fyziologický cumlík pre fľašu S-Shape je mäkký a pripomína matkin prsník, čo uľahčuje kombináciu dojčenia a kŕmenia z fľaše. Je vyrobená z hypoalergénneho matného silikónu bez zápachu - deti ho ľahko prijímajú. Výstupky vo vnútri cumlíka zabraňujú jej zborteniu a zlepeniu pri pití. Fľašu je možné vďaka odnímateľnej základni veľmi ľahko rozobrať a dôkladne vyčistiť. Navrhnuté v Holandsku. Antikolikový systém na dne fľaše zabraňuje zmiešaniu mlieka so vzduchom. Unikátna fľaša v tvare S a antikolikový systém v dne fľaše znižujú riziko vzniku koliky a kŕčov. Cumlík naplnený mliekom v každej polohe znižuje prehĺtanie vzduchu. Cumlík je vyrobený z veľmi mäkkého, matného a hypoalergénneho silikónu - ľahké prijatie fľaše bábätkom. Ergonomický tvar - väčšie pohodlie pre rodičov aj bábätko, ktoré nemá toľko zaťažený krk. Pripomína tvarom matkin prsník.

Canpol babies Robčki bambusovi 2v1, 100 kos

Bamboo wipes Canpol babies are exceptionally soft and gentle on sensitive baby skin, recommended by a midwife from the Mother and Child Institute in Warsaw - safe from the first days of life. Dermatologically tested. Made from soft bamboo non-woven fabric, which is naturally antibacterial. They do not contain chemicals, preservatives, or other fragrances that could trigger an allergic reaction in the child. Chlorine-free. The bamboo non-woven fabric from which the wipes are made is very durable - it does not tear during use, so they can also be used as homemade wet wipes, just soak them in water. Bamboo wipes for babies and children are very practical and multifunctional - perfect for everyday use and will certainly be indispensable when traveling and walking. The wipes are a great alternative to hygienic wet wipes for children. They are useful for caring for and changing babies. The very durable and soft bamboo non-woven fabric perfectly absorbs moisture, making the wipes perfect as reusable diaper inserts - they make cleaning the diaper from solid waste easier. Bamboo wipes measuring 18x18 cm are also great for wiping faces, hands, and bodies of babies or for wiping noses during a cold without irritating the delicate skin around the nose. Mothers can also use them for makeup removal, drying the face during daily care, or for cleaning intimate areas. Bamboo wipes Canpol babies were created with care for sensitive baby skin and the natural environment. Bamboo fibers are completely biodegradable, making them environmentally friendly and suitable for vegans. The package contains 100 pieces. Extra soft - gentle for sensitive baby skin. 100% bamboo fiber - naturally antibacterial. 2in1 - create your own homemade wet wipes - just add a little water. Extremely durable and strong. Environmentally friendly - fully biodegradable. Suitable for vegans. Without chemicals and without fragrance. Reusable diaper inserts.

KINDERKRAFT SELECT Voziček kombinirani Xmoov 3v1 Light Grey, Premium

Damaged packaging, product in 100% condition. 3in1 XMOOV combined stroller: - modern and functional solution: sports stroller and carrycot in one- 3-position adjustable system - from upright sitting position to reclining- can be installed facing and against the direction of travel.- accessories: rain cover, footmuff, fashionable shopping bag with changing mat, cup holder and Maxi Cosi adapters.- durable and stable design- inflatable wheels- matte frame- large shopping basket- front swivel wheels (self-adjusting) with locking option- brake with simultaneous double locking on the rear wheels- 5-point safety belts with padding- handle height adjustable in 5 positions- handle and grip made of eco-leather- possibility to extend the canopy with one movement: additional unzipped part- double protection against accidental folding Mink car seat: - designed for children weighing from 0 to 13 kg (ECE group 0+)- 3-point safety belts- 3-position adjustable handle- adjustable shoulder straps- safety belt protectors- insert for the smallest children- installation with the vehicle's 3-point safety belt- sunshade, retracted into the back of the seat- thanks to Maxi-Cosi® adapters, the car seat can be mounted on most strollers- the product has been tested and approved in accordance with the European safety regulation ECE R 44/04 Shopping bag: - universal "mama bag" allows its use as a stroller bag, but also as a fashionable handbag for the mother- the bag is designed in accordance with the latest trends- the bag is made of eco-leather - durable and water-resistant material that is also very easy to clean- universal fastening brackets for the stroller, suitable for every stroller model on the market, are made of flexible and durable plastic - they will not slip off the stroller handle- large, spacious pocket allows easy and quick access to your child's accessories and additional pockets in the middle of the bag provide organization- including changing mat Equipment: - large shopping basket- shopping bag with changing mat- cup holder- rain cover- footmuff- mosquito net- Maxi Cosi adapters The supplied adapters are compatible with the following car seats: Kinderkraft, Maxi Cosi®, Cybex® and are suitable for models such as: Kinderkraft MINK, Cybex Aton, Aton 2, Aton Q and Maxi Cosi Mico, Mico AP, Mico NXT, Mico Max 30, Citi, Cabrio and CabrioFix. Manufactured in accordance with the European standard EN 1888, which defines safety requirements and testing methods for strollers. Material and dimensions: - steel frame, fabric: 100% Oxford Polyester 600D, plastic seat shell: PE.- stroller: 91 x 61 x 105 cm; 17.5 kg- car seat: outside - 70 x 45 x 46 cm, inside - length: 65 x 26 x 18 cm; 3.3 kg

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