Kocke3076 izdelkov

Gradbene igrače so primerne ne le za male graditelje, ki želijo postati arhitekti, ko odrastejo, temveč tudi za odrasle, ki radi sestavljajo zahtevne modele. Izdelane so iz najrazličnejših materialov, z različno stopnjo težavnosti, in njihovi izdelavi se posveča veliko svetovno znanih proizvajalcev. Gradbene igrače pomagajo razvijati kreativnost, domišljijo, potrpljenje in ročne spretnosti, zato ne bi smele manjkati v nobeni otroški sobi.

Katere vrste gradbenih igrač ponujamo?

Naša ponudba je res široka, zato pri nas najdete gradbene igrače za najmlajše, za dekleta, fante in tudi za odrasle.

Gradbene igrače za najmlajše

Gre za gradbene igrače za otroke že od 1. leta starosti, ki imajo velike kocke z enostavnimi motivi. Zaradi svoje velikosti so za otroke enostavno prijemljive in omogočajo enostavno manipulacijo. So odlično orodje za razvoj fine motorike in koordinacije pri najmlajših otrocih.

Gradbene igrače za fante

Gradbene igrače za fante se odlikujejo po tehnični tematiki, sem spadajo gradbene igrače, iz katerih je mogoče zgraditi avtomobile, letala, vesoljske motive in še več. Pomoč pri razvoju tehničnega in prostorskega mišljenja ter zanimanja za znanost in tehnologijo pri starejših otrocih.

Gradbene igrače za dekleta

Kot fante zanimajo tehnični motivi, dekleta pri nas najdejo številne gradbene igrače s temami živali, princesk, vrtov in še mnogih drugih, ki pri dekletih pomagajo razvijati kreativnost in domišljijo.

Gradbene igrače za odrasle in napredne

Gradbene igrače za vse starostne skupine, ki cenijo izzive in iščejo kreativno in zabavno dejavnost. Gradbene igrače so sestavljene iz velikega števila delov, pri čemer je mogoče končni rezultat razstaviti tudi kot model.

Kako izbrati pravo gradbeno igračo?

Pri izbiri upoštevajte starost otroka ali odraslega, za katerega je igrača namenjena. Prav tako je potrebno izbrati gradbeno igračo s temo, ki bo zadevnega zanimala. Še posebej pri najmlajših otrocih se osredotočite na varnost in kakovost materiala, iz katerega je izdelana, da bo brez škodljivih snovi in da ne bo prišlo do poškodbe, razpada na manjše dele in posledičnega vdihavanja ali zaužitja.

Iz katerih materialov so gradbene igrače izdelane?

Kot smo omenili zgoraj, boste še posebej pri najmlajših otrocih obravnavali brezskrbnost materiala. Ta običajno tudi določa, na kakšen način je mogoče gradbene igrače sestaviti.

Plastične gradbene igrače - veselje prinesejo predvsem malim otrokom, saj ponujajo široko paleto oblik in izrazitih barv, ki pritegnejo njihovo pozornost.
Lesene gradbene igrače - so ustvarjene za otroke, ki so kreativni in radi ustvarjajo svoje modele.
Metalne gradbene igrače - najbolj znan predstavnik so nedvomno gradbene igrače MERKUR, ki se pogosto sestavljajo s pomočjo matic in vijakov, pri čemer trdno držijo skupaj.
Magnetne gradbene igrače - pomagajo otrokom razumeti, kako delujejo fizikalni zakoni, saj so izdelane iz magnetov in omogočajo sestavljanje različnih oblik in zgradb.

Najbolj prodajani izdelki
LEGO® City 60198 Tovorni vlak
Zadnji 2 kosi
154,64 €
Mattel MEGA BLOKS Kocke v plastični vrečki DCH55
3 - 7 dni
16,02 € 17,18 €
Cobi Titanic 1: 450, 722 k
3 - 7 dni
42,59 €
Filtrirano 3.076 izdelkov

Cobi Rimska vojna ladja - Imperium Romanum 1:48

Our sea (Mare Nostrum), as the Romans called it. This is because the Mediterranean Sea was an inland sea of the Roman Empire. Dominance over it was ensured by ships powered by human muscle power and sails. For centuries, galleys and liburnians majestically glided across the sea and maintained order! Build a beautiful block warship of the emperor himself and display it at the base! Look at how many details are here. Put on colorful sails and rigging. The set includes three figures. Emperor Marcus Aurelius (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus), a senator and a Roman general have a multitude of prints and details! The ship also has a legion flag with a golden eagle. No army can do without it! Once built, the warship looks majestic and will certainly catch the attention of anyone who sees it! If standing on a shelf is not what you expect from blocks, we have a solution for that! Add more sets from the Roman Empire collection to the ship and supplement the crew of Roman legionnaires. Organize a battle using gladiator and barbarian figures and shoot the ship with a catapult. The scenario of the conflict depends only on your imagination! Build history, piece by piece, with COBI! 1810 high-quality blocks Made in the EU by a company with over 35 years of tradition Blocks meet safety standards for children's products Fully compatible with other brands of building blocks Printed blocks do not scratch or smudge and do not fade during play or due to temperature Clear and intuitive instructions based on illustrations and detailed guidelines 3 figures with accessories

Cobi II WW Sherman M4A2E8, 1:35, 880 k, 5 f

Build the iconic American tank with a 5-member crew! The M4A2E8 Sherman, also known as the "Easy Eight," was the American version of the M4 Sherman medium tank, which was introduced at the end of World War II. It was equipped with an improved HVSS (Horizontal Volute Spring Suspension) and a 76 mm long-barreled gun, which enhanced the vehicle's stability and accuracy. With better armor and mobility, the "Easy Eight" was more effective against German medium tanks, and its simple design made it easier to manufacture and repair. The block model of the unique Sherman was developed in 1:35 scale and complements the collection of iconic vehicles released as part of the Historical Collection dedicated to World War II. The model, perfectly reproduced from 865 blocks, features functional track traction. You can freely drive it across the floor and observe the working tracks! Rotate the turret 360 degrees and aim the gun by adjusting it to the desired height. The turret features a Browning machine gun, which is an exact replica of the wartime original. The tank looks very attractive also due to the amount of accessories attached to the hull. It is evident that it has spent a long time on the front, and the 5-member crew associated with it are true veterans, about whom many films could certainly be made! The realistic figures have many details and will certainly be a very valuable element of your collection! We assure you that each of them has its own style and character. The block label with the printed name of the tank will help you display your model even better. Build history, piece by piece, with COBI! 865 high-quality elements Made in the EU by a company with over 35 years of tradition Blocks meet safety standards for children's products Fully compatible with other brands of building blocks Printed blocks do not scratch, smudge, or fade during play or due to temperature Clear and intuitive instructions based on illustrations and detailed guidelines 5 figures, the entire crew! Nameplate Accessories for the figure Scale 1:35 Model dimensions (length x width x height): 22.5 cm (8.85") x 10 cm (3.93") x 12.5 cm (4.92)

Splača se igrati in kupovati z nami

V povprečju vam bomo blago lahko dostavili v 72 urah
V povprečju vam bomo blago lahko dostavili v 72 urah
Za vas imamo na zalogi več kot 200.000 izdelkov
Za vas imamo na zalogi več kot 200.000 izdelkov
 Sistem zvestobe, ki vas bo nagradil z vsakim nakupom
Sistem zvestobe, ki vas bo nagradil z vsakim nakupom