Cyklistične steze54 izdelkov

Otroci so odlična sredstva, da se otrok nauči voziti kolo. Gre za varnejše sredstvo, saj se otroci odrivajo z nogami neposredno od tal, kljub temu pa se naučijo ravnotežja in koordinacije gibanja, ki jima bosta koristila pri učenju vožnje s kolesom. Otroška odrivalna kolesa hkrati na zabaven način spodbujajo zdrav življenjski slog otrok in gradijo temelje za njihovo ljubezen do gibanja v kasnejših letih.

Izbira pravega otroškega odrivalnega kolesa

Pri izbiri idealnega odrivalnega kolesa je treba upoštevati starost, višino in sposobnosti otroka. Za najmanjše otroke so primerna odrivalna kolesa z nizkim težiščem in stabilno konstrukcijo, ki jim omogoča varno vožnjo.

Za večje otroke je odločilna pravilna velikost koles in kakovostne zavore za varno ustavljanje.

Danes obstajajo tudi moderna odrivalna kolesa, ki imajo trdo in vzmeteno vilico, ki jo otroci cenijo predvsem pri vožnji po terenu. Ta odrivalna kolesa so vendarle dražja od klasičnih.

Material okvirja odrivalnih koles

Plastična odrivalna kolesa - njihova prednost je lahkost in odpornost proti praskam ter vremenskim vplivom. So pa manj trdna kot jeklene ali aluminijaste odrivalne kolesa.
Jeklene odrivalna kolesa - ponujajo trdno konstrukcijo, ki je odporna na poškodbe in imajo dolgo življenjsko dobo. So pa težja od odrivalnih koles iz drugih materialov.
Lesena odrivalna kolesa - so priljubljena zaradi svojega estetskega dizajna in naravnega značaja. So pa manj odporna na vremenske vplive.
Odrivalna kolesa iz kompozitnih materialov - za dosego optimalnih lastnosti se uporabljajo kombinacije zgoraj omenjenih materialov, kar lahko vodi do višje nabavne cene.

Od koliko let je primerno učiti otroke na odrivalnem kolesu?

Priporočena starost za vožnjo majhnih otrok na odrivalnem kolesu je od 2 do 3 let. V tej starosti je otrok že dovolj fizično močan in usklajen, da vožnjo varno obvlada.

Obstajajo odrivalna kolesa, ki so primerna za otroke od 1 leta starosti. Med njimi je na primer proizvajalec Puky, ki daje velik poudarek na varnost najmanjših otrok.

Kako naučiti otroka na odrivalnem kolesu?

1. Nastavite pravilno višino krmila in sedeža, da otrok doseže tla in drži telo v pravilnem položaju.

2. Pomagajte učiti ravnotežje tako, da pustite otroku, da se odrine, in ga držite pri vožnji. Postopoma zmanjšujte podporo, dokler otrok ne bo sposoben držati ravnotežja sam.

3. Naučite otroka pri odrivanju izmenjavati noge, kar pomaga pri ohranjanju ravnotežja in pridobivanju večje kontrole nad odrivalnim kolesom.

4. Izberite primerno obutev s fleksibilnim podplatom, ki pomaga pri boljšem odrivu in hkrati omogoča otroku, da zavzame pravilen položaj nog.

Najbolj prodajani izdelki
Filtrirano 54 izdelkov

Yedoo Bouncer Yedoo TooToo Emoji - zelena

NOVO Že stari Grki so vedeli, da je ravnotežje temelj. Z našim najljubšim odbojnikom ni težko obvladati, še posebej, ker ne tehta štirih funtov. Takoj, ko sta dvema nogama dodani dve kolesi, boste pridobili na hitrosti, dosegu, povsod boste in v prihodnosti bo dodan nemoten prehod na skiro ali otroško kolo. Za začetek bodo pomagali zavor proti vrtenju krmila, anatomsko sedlo, ročaji z zaščitnimi konci, gume Kenda in zavora z dude (popolnoma predelano) junior ročico. Yedoo Oops odbijače smo zasnovali tako, da ustrezajo najmanjšim kolesarjem in jih preizkusili na lastnih otrocih. Zato lahko računate na nas, da bomo naredili vse, da bo vožnja zabavna, udobna in hkrati čim bolj varna. Odbojniki imajo veliko tehničnih popravkov in oblikovnih izboljšav, poglejte, kaj so. Starost 1,5+ Nosilnost 50 kg Min. višina kolesarja 85 cm Teža (z/brez stojala) 3,7 kg Velikost paketa 70 x 38 x 15,5 cm Teža paketa 4,8 kg YEDOO Hi-ten jekleni okvir YEDOO Hi-ten jeklene vilice Hi-ten jekleno krmilo YEDOO ročaji oblikovani s podaljšanimi konci Ergonomsko sedlo Yedoo s povečanim naklonom sedežne opore Sklop ležajne glave NECO z omejevalniki proti vrtenju volana TEKTRO alu zavorne ročice Zavore 1x mini "V" TEKTRO zlitina Kolesa 12 "/ 12" Alu platišča HJC Jeklena pesta JOYTECH Širina pesta (spredaj/zadaj) 80/80 mm OCENI ležaje Ročice za hitro sprostitev (spredaj/zadaj) Št Napihljive pnevmatike KENDA (spredaj/zadaj) z odsevnim tiskom maks. napihovanje (spredaj / zadaj) 2,5 bar / 2,5 bar Priprava za držalo za steklenice (navoji 2x M5, razmik 64 mm) Št. Odsevni elementi Na pokrovu krmila in pnevmatik Privzeti model Yedoo TooToo dimenzije: [1] Dolžina 83 cm [2] Višina krmila 51-56 cm [3] Širina krmila 36 cm [4] Višina sedeža 30 - 41 cm

KINDERKRAFT SELECT Bounce Rapid2 Blue Breeze

Odkrijte veselje sprehodov v retro dizajnu! To odbijač s košaro bo zagotovo všeč tako otrokom kot njihovim staršem. Zahvaljujoč velikim napihljivim kolesom je idealen za izlete po mestu in tudi za pustolovščine v gozdu. Dobro duši med vožnjo po neravnem terenu. Udobno sedišče ponuja širok razpon nastavitve višine, zato odbijač raste skupaj z vašim otrokom. RAPID ima tudi omejen kot obračanja volana, ki ščiti vašega otroka pred nekontroliranim obračanjem med vožnjo. Nizko postavljen okvir olajša vstopanje in izstopanje. Odbijač RAPID, tako kot vsak odbijač Kinderkraft, spodbuja razvoj ravnotežja in motorike. Hkrati bo vašemu otroku vzbudil ljubezen do dejavnosti na svežem zraku. Lahek in trdenRAPID je ne le eleganten, ampak hkrati lahek in trden odbijač. Tehta manj kot 3,7 kg in zaradi okvirja iz zlitine magnezija je tudi izjemno odporen. Gumijasti ročajiVolan ima gumijaste ročaje, ki so poleg tega protizdrsni. To bo olajšalo vašemu otroku vodenje odbijača v kateri koli situaciji brez tveganja, da bi mu roke zdrsnila z volana. Del tega je tudi lepa košara za drobnarije. Nizko postavljen okvirOdbijač RAPID je primeren tudi za mlajše otroke. Nizko postavljen okvir olajša vstopanje in izstopanje tudi nižjim otrokom. Nastavljiv sedežOtroci v tej starosti hitro rastejo - zato ima RAPID nastavljiv sedež, ki ga lahko enostavno prilagodite višini svojega otroka. Sedež je mogoče nastaviti v razponu 33,5-41,5 cm. Omejen kot obračanja volanaOdbijač RAPID je opremljen s funkcijo omejevanja kota obračanja volana. S tem se odpravi tveganje nenadnega, nekontroliranega obračanja med vožnjo. Kolesa z amortizacijoOdbijač RAPID ima velika, napihljiva kolesa z ležaji. Zagotavljajo dobro amortizacijo tako med vožnjo po pločniku kot tudi po neravnih, gozdnih poteh. Tehnične specifikacije:- okvir: zlitina magnezija- kolesa: gumijasta, napihljiva- košara: plastika Mere:- razstavljeno: 71 x 52,5 x 39,5 cm- nastavitev sedeža: 33,5-41,5 cm- kolesa: 30 cm- teža: 3,7 kg

KINDERKRAFT IZBERITE Održalo Rapid2 Savannah Green

Odkrijte veselje sprehodov v retro dizajnu! To odbijač s košaro bo zagotovo všeč tako otrokom kot njihovim staršem. Zahvaljujoč velikim napihljivim kolesom je idealen za izlete po mestu in tudi za pustolovščine v gozdu. Dobro duši pri vožnji po neravnem terenu. Udobno sedlo ponuja širok razpon nastavitve višine, tako da odbijač raste skupaj z vašim otrokom. RAPID ima tudi omejen kot obračanja volana, ki ščiti vašega otroka pred nekontroliranim zavijanjem med učenjem vožnje. Nizko postavljen okvir olajša vstopanje in izstopanje. Odbijač RAPID, tako kot vsak odbijač Kinderkraft, spodbuja razvoj ravnotežja in motorike. Hkrati bo vašemu otroku vzbudil ljubezen do aktivnosti na svežem zraku. Lahek in trdenRAPID je ne le eleganten, ampak hkrati lahek in trden odbijač. Tehta manj kot 3,7 kg in zaradi okvirja iz zlitine magnezija je tudi izjemno odporen. Gumijasti ročajiVolan ima gumijaste ročaje, ki so dodatno nedrseči. To bo olajšalo vašemu otroku vodenje odbijača v kateri koli situaciji brez tveganja, da bi mu roke zdrsnele z volana. Del tega je tudi lepa košara za drobnarije. Nizko postavljen okvirOdbijač RAPID je primeren tudi za mlajše otroke. Nizko postavljen okvir olajša vstopanje in izstopanje tudi nižjim otrokom. Nastavljiv sedežOtroci v tej starosti hitro rastejo - zato ima RAPID nastavljiv sedež, ki ga lahko enostavno prilagodite višini svojega otroka. Sedež je mogoče nastaviti v razponu 33,5-41,5 cm. Omejen kot obračanja volanaOdbijač RAPID je opremljen s funkcijo omejevanja kota obračanja volana. S tem se odpravi tveganje nenadnega, nekontroliranega obračanja med učenjem vožnje. Kolesa z amortizacijoOdbijač RAPID ima velika, napihljiva kolesa z ležaji. Zagotavljajo dobro amortizacijo tako med vožnjo po pločniku kot tudi po neravnih, gozdnih poteh. Tehnične specifikacije:- okvir: zlitina magnezija- kolesa: gumijasta, napihljiva- košara: plastika Mere:- razstavljeno: 71 x 52,5 x 39,5 cm- nastavitev sedeža: 33,5-41,5 cm- kolesa: 30 cm- teža: 3,7 kg

KINDERKRAFT Poganjalec Xploit Bubblegum pink

This is a children's bicycle that will accompany you on walks in all conditions. Thanks to the durable nylon frame, this children's bicycle is not only lightweight but also resistant to corrosion and impacts. XPLOIT has a sporty style and is suitable for children from a height of 80 cm (from 2 years old), it has adjustable handlebars and a seat, allowing you to easily adapt this children's bicycle to your child's height and skills. Its great advantage is the large puncture-resistant PU wheels, which are shock-absorbing and have good grip on the surface, making them suitable for both asphalt city roads and forest paths. They have sporty 9ABEC bearings, which provide a smoother ride for the children's bicycle, making it easier to learn to ride. The XPLOIT children's balance bike teaches and entertains at the same time: your child will find it easier to gain the ability to maintain balance and stability, and it will also prepare them for learning to pedal. Durable children's bicycle for all conditions / walk in any conditions The XPLOIT children's balance bike can withstand any conditions during a walk. It is made of lightweight durable nylon: the one-piece frame is resistant to corrosion and impact while having a smooth finish, making it safe and comfortable for children. The children's bicycle itself is lightweight (the frame weighs less than 1 kg) and has a sporty style, making it perfect for any little athlete. Child-friendly XPLOIT is a children's bicycle that can be easily adjusted to your child's height and skills. It can be used by children from 2 years old. The frame is low, making it easier for children from a height of 80 cm to get on and off the bicycle. Rotating, adjustable handlebars (53.6-55.6 cm) and seat (33.3-38.1 cm) ensure perfect adaptation of the children's bicycle to the growing child. The non-slip handle grips and soft seat make learning to ride more enjoyable and increase safety. Walk in any conditions The XPLOIT children's balance bike has large (12-inch), maintenance-free puncture-resistant PU wheels, making them very durable and resistant to damage, providing high grip on the surface and good shock absorption. Thanks to them, the children's bicycle is suitable for any surface: it is excellent for asphalt as well as compacted forest paths. And if your child wants to ride indoors, you can be at ease because the PU wheels won't scratch the floor. Additionally, they are equipped with sporty 9ABEC bearings, which provide a smoother ride and make riding much more enjoyable. The bearings are also located in the handlebars, making it easier to learn to control the bicycle. Magnetically lockable footrests They are easy to use and very practical: your child can maintain stability while riding, which is significant for reducing falls and increasing confidence. Moreover, they positively impact comfort while learning to ride, allowing the child to focus on gaining balance while steering the bicycle. Teaches and entertains The XPLOIT children's balance bike teaches through play. It develops balance and teaches how to maintain stability using their body. It is also an excellent introduction to learning to ride a pedal bicycle. Children's balance bikes also teach children independence and positively influence the building of confidence while riding. Sporty design XPLOIT is a sporty children's bicycle made in this style. It has beautiful colors that every little athlete will love. It will definitely stand out during play in the yard, and your child will feel like they are on a real racing vehicle. Technical specifications: Frame: nylon Wheels: PU Handles: TPR rubber Seat: PU+PP Dimensions: Wheels: 12 inches Handlebar adjustment range: 53.6-55.6 cm Seat adjustment range: 33.3-38.1 cm Weight: 3.3 kg Max. load capacity: 35 kg

KINDERKRAFT Poganjalec Xploit Moonstone silver

This is a children's bicycle that will accompany you on walks in all conditions. Thanks to the durable nylon frame, this children's bicycle is not only lightweight but also resistant to corrosion and impacts. XPLOIT has a sporty style and is suitable for children from a height of 80 cm (from 2 years old), it has adjustable handlebars and a seat, making it easy to adapt this children's bicycle to your child's height and skills. Its great advantage is the large puncture-resistant PU wheels, which are shock-absorbing and have good grip on the surface, making them suitable for both asphalt city roads and forest paths. They have sporty 9ABEC bearings, which provide a smoother ride for the children's bicycle, making learning to ride easier. The XPLOIT children's balance bike teaches and entertains at the same time: your child will find it easier to gain balance and stability and will also prepare them for learning to pedal. Durable children's bicycle for all conditions / walk in any conditions The XPLOIT children's balance bike can withstand any conditions during a walk. It is made of lightweight durable nylon: the one-piece frame is resistant to corrosion and impact and has a smooth finish, making it safe and comfortable for children. The children's bicycle itself is lightweight (the frame weighs less than 1 kg) and has a sporty style, making it perfect for any little athlete. Customized for the child XPLOIT is a children's bicycle that can be easily adjusted to your child's height and skills. It can be used by children from 2 years old. The frame is low, making it easier for children from a height of 80 cm to get on and off the bicycle. Rotating, adjustable handlebars (53.6-55.6 cm) and seat (33.3-38.1 cm) ensure perfect adaptation of the children's bicycle to the growing child. The non-slip handle grips and soft seat make learning to ride more enjoyable and increase safety. Walk in any conditions The XPLOIT children's balance bike has large (12-inch), maintenance-free puncture-resistant PU wheels, making them very durable and resistant to damage, providing high grip on the surface and good shock absorption. Thanks to them, the children's bicycle is suitable for any surface: it is excellent for asphalt as well as compacted forest paths. And if your child wants to ride indoors, you can be at ease because the PU wheels won't scratch the floor. Additionally, they are equipped with sporty 9ABEC bearings, which provide a smoother ride and make riding much more enjoyable. The bearings are also located in the handlebars, making it easier to learn to control the bicycle. Magnetically lockable footrests They are easy to use and very practical: your child will find it easier to maintain stability while riding, which is significant for reducing falls and increasing confidence. Moreover, they positively impact comfort while learning to ride, allowing the child to focus on gaining balance while steering the bicycle. Teaches and entertains at the same time The XPLOIT children's balance bike teaches through play. It develops balance and teaches how to maintain stability using their body. It is also an excellent introduction to learning to ride a pedal bicycle. Children's balance bikes also teach children independence and positively influence building confidence while riding. Sporty design XPLOIT is a sporty children's bicycle made in this style. It has beautiful colors that every little athlete will love. It will definitely stand out during play in the yard, and your child will feel like they are on a real racing vehicle. Technical specifications: Frame: nylon Wheels: PU Handles: TPR rubber Seat: PU+PP Dimensions: Wheels: 12 inches Handlebar adjustment range: 53.6-55.6 cm Seat adjustment range: 33.3-38.1 cm Weight: 3.3 kg Max. load capacity: 35 kg

KIinderkraft Odrážadlo Xploit Turquoise

This is a children's bicycle that will accompany you on walks in all conditions. Thanks to the durable nylon frame, this children's bicycle is not only lightweight but also resistant to corrosion and impacts. XPLOIT has a sporty style and is suitable for children from a height of 80 cm (from 2 years old), it has adjustable handlebars and a seat, allowing you to easily adapt this children's bicycle to your child's height and skills. Its great advantage is the large puncture-resistant PU wheels, which are shock-absorbing and have good grip on the surface, making them suitable for both asphalt city roads and forest paths. They have 9ABEC sports bearings, which provide a smoother ride, making it easier to learn to ride. The XPLOIT children's balance bike teaches and entertains at the same time: your child will find it easier to gain the ability to maintain balance and stability and will also prepare them for learning to pedal. Durable children's bicycle for all conditions / walk in any conditions The XPLOIT children's balance bike can withstand any conditions during a walk. It is made of lightweight durable nylon: the one-piece frame is resistant to corrosion and impact and has a smooth finish, making it safe and comfortable for children. The children's bicycle itself is lightweight (the frame weighs less than 1 kg) and has a sporty style, making it perfect for any little athlete. Customized for the child XPLOIT is a children's bicycle that can be easily adjusted to your child's height and skills. It can be used by children from 2 years old. The frame is low, making it easier for children from a height of 80 cm to mount and dismount the bicycle. Rotatable, adjustable handlebars (53.6-55.6 cm) and seat (33.3-38.1 cm) ensure perfect adaptation of the children's bicycle to the growing child. The non-slip handlebar grips and soft seat make learning to ride more enjoyable and increase safety. Walk in any conditions The XPLOIT children's balance bike has large (12-inch), maintenance-free puncture-resistant PU wheels, making them very durable and resistant to damage, providing high grip on the surface and good shock absorption. Thanks to them, the children's bicycle is suitable for any surface: it is excellent for asphalt as well as compacted forest paths. And if your child wants to ride indoors, you can be at ease because the PU wheels won't scratch the floor. Additionally, they are equipped with 9ABEC sports bearings, which provide a smoother ride and make riding much more enjoyable. The bearings are also located in the handlebars, making it easier to learn to control the bicycle. Magnetically lockable footrests They are easy to use and very practical: your child can maintain stability while riding, which is significant in reducing falls and increasing confidence. Moreover, they positively impact comfort while learning to ride, allowing the child to focus on gaining balance while steering the bicycle. Teaches and entertains at the same time The XPLOIT children's balance bike teaches through play. It develops balance and teaches how to maintain stability using their body. It is also an excellent introduction to learning to ride a pedal bicycle. Children's balance bikes also teach children independence and positively influence the development of self-confidence while riding. Sporty design XPLOIT is a sporty children's bicycle made in this style. It has beautiful colors that every little athlete will love. It will certainly stand out during play in the yard, and your child will feel like they are on a real racing vehicle. Technical specifications: Frame: nylon Wheels: PU Grips: TPR rubber Seat: PU+PP Dimensions: Wheels: 12 inches Handlebar adjustment range: 53.6-55.6 cm Seat adjustment range: 33.3-38.1 cm Weight: 3.3 kg Max. load capacity: 35 kg

Splača se igrati in kupovati z nami

V povprečju vam bomo blago lahko dostavili v 72 urah
V povprečju vam bomo blago lahko dostavili v 72 urah
Za vas imamo na zalogi več kot 200.000 izdelkov
Za vas imamo na zalogi več kot 200.000 izdelkov
 Sistem zvestobe, ki vas bo nagradil z vsakim nakupom
Sistem zvestobe, ki vas bo nagradil z vsakim nakupom