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Avtosedež BABY MIX HERO I-SIZE črna

Detská autosedačka Baby Mix Hero Pro i-Size je moderné riešenie, ktoré spĺňa najvyššie bezpečnostné štandardy podľa európskej normy ECE/UN Regulation No. 129. Určená pre deti s výškou od 76 do 150 cm, zaisťuje pohodlie a ochranu v každej fáze rastu dieťaťa. Vyrobená s ohľadom na pohodlie rodičov a bezpečnosť najmladších pasažierov, táto autosedačka je ideálnou voľbou pre rodiny, ktoré hľadajú odolnú a všestrannú autosedačku. Kľúčové vlastnosti autosedačky Baby Mix Hero Pro i-Size Najvyššia úroveň bezpečnosti: Vďaka súladu s najnovšími predpismi ECE/UN Regulation No. 129 (i-Size) poskytuje sedačka vynikajúcu ochranu pri bočných aj čelných nárazoch. Konštrukcia je založená na presných testoch, ktoré zaisťujú maximálnu ochranu pre deti s výškou od 76 do 150 cm. Vysoko kvalitné materiály: Sedačka je vyrobená z materiálov vysokej kvality, ktoré sú odolné a zároveň ľahko udržiavateľné. Poťah je možné jednoducho zložiť a oprať, čo umožňuje dlhodobé udržanie sedačky v hygienickom stave. Ergonomický a nastaviteľný dizajn: Baby Mix Hero Pro i-Size je navrhnutá tak, aby sa prispôsobovala potrebám rastúceho dieťaťa. Nastaviteľná výška opierky hlavy a systém pásov umožňujú dokonalé prispôsobenie výške a veku dieťaťa, čo zaručuje pohodlie počas dlhých ciest. Univerzálnosť použitia: Sedačka je kompatibilná s vozidlami vybavenými bezpečnostnými pásmi. Ide o kľúčové riešenie, ktoré umožňuje montáž sedačky v širokej škále vozidiel bez potreby systému ISOFIX. Ochrana a pohodlie: Model Baby Mix Hero Pro i-Size bol navrhnutý s ohľadom na pohodlie dieťaťa počas jazdy. Hlboké bočné steny a špeciálne výstuže okolo hlavy a bokov zvyšujú úroveň bezpečnosti a mäkké, pohodlné polstrovanie zaisťuje komfort a znižuje únavu počas dlhých ciest. Prečo si vybrať autosedačku Baby Mix Hero Pro i-Size? Súlad s normou i-Size: Spĺňa prísne európske normy ECE/UN Regulation No. 129, čím zaručuje optimálnu ochranu za všetkých podmienok.Pohodlie pre dieťa a komfort pre rodiča: Vysoko kvalitný poťah, ktorý sa dá ľahko zložiť a oprať, umožňuje udržiavať sedačku v hygienickom stave, čo je obzvlášť dôležité pri dlhodobom používaní. Univerzálnosť a jednoduchá montáž: Vďaka možnosti montáže pomocou bezpečnostných pásov je možné sedačku použiť takmer v každom vozidle, čo z nej robí všestrannú voľbu pre rodiny s rôznymi typmi vozidiel. Ochrana v každej fáze rastu: Sedačka sa prispôsobuje potrebám rastúceho dieťaťa od výšky 76 cm až do 150 cm, čo z nej robí praktickú a dlhodobú voľbu.Detská autosedačka Baby Mix Hero Pro i-Size je ideálnou kombináciou moderných bezpečnostných štandardov s pohodlím používania a komfortom. Rozmery: 47x44x56 cm


Child car seat Baby Mix Hero Pro i-Size is a modern solution that meets the highest safety standards according to the European regulation ECE/UN Regulation No. 129. Designed for children with a height of 76 to 150 cm, it ensures comfort and protection at every stage of the child's growth. Made with consideration for the comfort of parents and the safety of the youngest passengers, this car seat is an ideal choice for families looking for a durable and versatile car seat. Key features of the Baby Mix Hero Pro i-Size car seat Highest level of safety: Thanks to compliance with the latest regulations ECE/UN Regulation No. 129 (i-Size), the seat provides excellent protection in both side and frontal impacts. The construction is based on precise tests that ensure maximum protection for children with a height of 76 to 150 cm. High-quality materials: The seat is made from high-quality materials that are durable and easy to maintain. The cover can be easily removed and washed, allowing for long-term maintenance of the seat in a hygienic condition. Ergonomic and adjustable design: Baby Mix Hero Pro i-Size is designed to adapt to the needs of a growing child. The adjustable headrest height and harness system allow for perfect adjustment to the child's height and age, ensuring comfort during long journeys. Versatility of use: The seat is compatible with vehicles equipped with seat belts. This is a key solution that allows for the installation of the seat in a wide range of vehicles without the need for an ISOFIX system. Protection and comfort: The Baby Mix Hero Pro i-Size model has been designed with the child's comfort in mind during travel. Deep side walls and special reinforcements around the head and sides increase the level of safety, while soft, comfortable padding ensures comfort and reduces fatigue during long journeys. Why choose the Baby Mix Hero Pro i-Size car seat? Compliance with i-Size standard: Meets strict European standards ECE/UN Regulation No. 129, ensuring optimal protection under all conditions. Comfort for the child and convenience for the parent: High-quality cover that can be easily removed and washed allows for maintaining the seat in a hygienic condition, which is especially important for long-term use. Versatility and easy installation: Thanks to the option of installation using seat belts, the seat can be used in almost any vehicle, making it a versatile choice for families with different types of vehicles. Protection at every stage of growth: The seat adapts to the needs of a growing child from a height of 76 cm to 150 cm, making it a practical and long-term choice. The Baby Mix Hero Pro i-Size child car seat is the ideal combination of modern safety standards with ease of use and comfort. Dimensions: 47x44x56 cm

Avtosedež BABY MIX HERO PRO I-SIZE smaragdna

Child car seat Baby Mix Hero Pro i-Size is a modern solution that meets the highest safety standards according to the European regulation ECE/UN Regulation No. 129. Designed for children with a height of 76 to 150 cm, it ensures comfort and protection at every stage of the child's growth. Made with consideration for the comfort of parents and the safety of the youngest passengers, this car seat is an ideal choice for families looking for a durable and versatile car seat. Key features of the Baby Mix Hero Pro i-Size car seat Highest level of safety: Thanks to compliance with the latest regulations ECE/UN Regulation No. 129 (i-Size), the seat provides excellent protection in both side and frontal impacts. The construction is based on precise tests that ensure maximum protection for children with a height of 76 to 150 cm. High-quality materials: The seat is made from high-quality materials that are durable and easy to maintain. The cover can be easily removed and washed, allowing for long-term maintenance of the seat in a hygienic condition. Ergonomic and adjustable design: Baby Mix Hero Pro i-Size is designed to adapt to the needs of a growing child. The adjustable headrest height and harness system allow for perfect adjustment to the child's height and age, ensuring comfort during long journeys. Versatility of use: The seat is compatible with vehicles equipped with seat belts. This is a key solution that allows for the installation of the seat in a wide range of vehicles without the need for an ISOFIX system. Protection and comfort: The Baby Mix Hero Pro i-Size model has been designed with the child's comfort in mind during travel. Deep side walls and special reinforcements around the head and sides increase the level of safety, and the soft, comfortable padding ensures comfort and reduces fatigue during long journeys. Why choose the Baby Mix Hero Pro i-Size car seat? Compliance with i-Size standard: Meets strict European standards ECE/UN Regulation No. 129, ensuring optimal protection under all conditions. Comfort for the child and convenience for the parent: The high-quality cover, which can be easily removed and washed, allows for maintaining the seat in a hygienic condition, which is especially important for long-term use. Versatility and easy installation: Thanks to the option of installation using seat belts, the seat can be used in almost any vehicle, making it a versatile choice for families with different types of vehicles. Protection at every stage of growth: The seat adapts to the needs of a growing child from a height of 76 cm to 150 cm, making it a practical and long-term choice. The Baby Mix Hero Pro i-Size child car seat is the ideal combination of modern safety standards with ease of use and comfort. Dimensions: 47x44x56 cm

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